Sheep Behaviour

I was held hostage this morning while I was deciding on my day.

It was my turn again to walk the dogs.  OH was in town so off we went. It was a nice morning with some interesting skies – that’s my wee house on the right.

I found Lambie and everyone else at the far end of the field.

Lambie was looking particularly gorgeous and photo-worthy.

The handsome profile……

….with a hint of mystery.

It was these two I was really looking for – Dahlia and Gussie – they hadn’t turned up again for breakfast.  I knew the reason – there is most probably a very sexy Shetland ram in the hill who is trying to lure Dahlia with his charms and she is spending her days pressed up against the perimeter fence.   If there are lambs, then there are lambs.

Gussie isn’t quite brave enough to leave his mother to come and find me for his breakfast and he does love his food.  One day he will turn up without her.

Luckily for all, Lambie has never knowingly missed a meal and is quite *** cough *** well-covered.

I was intrigued watching Lambie with Dahlia. He seems to have given up his creepy relationship with her, which is good for everyone.

No, my bad….. still creepy.

After lunch, I went and did something stupid but necessary. Skippy and I mucked out the sheep shed – we managed three large loads and I am glad we did as it needed doing.  Skippy was invaluable. That would’ve been probably the equivalent of 6 normal wheelbarrow loads.

But now I am paying the price with painkillers, a lie-down and a heat pad so far.  An acupressure mat session tonight and tomorrow will be the turn of the Painpod.

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