Shed Wars

A big storm is approaching – Thursday and Friday are looking particularly grotty and I am not looking forwards to this.

(I also had no idea that we live at “Newton, Walls”. eh?)

So, being me, I had to make some plans.  I opened up the wee shed and showed it to Haakon so he knows he has shelter, if he wants it.  I am loathe to rug him up as he then goes on strike and never moves again, standing there like a wet weekend looking miserably at me.  So no rugs.  Haakon has a shed.

I called his field-mates over (I see you Klængur rubbing your arse on my fence.)

Klængur came through to the paddock and Haakon told him that possession was nine tenths of the law.

I am not that concerned. Even the side of the shed offers effective shelter.

And this left Iacs standing there.  Going around a gate is obviously a tricky manoever so I went over with my headcollar to walk him round.

And Haakon patiently explained The Rules. His Rules.

“Entry by invitation only”, I heard being said. I left them to sort it out between themselves.

Then I went and evicted Lambie from the stable. Nom, nom, nom.

Next up was to move the Minions to Clothie – a 5 acre ungrazed-all-summer field with a stream that runs through the middle and many old (roofless) outbuildings/crofthouse, so plenty of high walls of shelter with old high-fibre food.

OH and I took three ponies each and led them over the scattald (open hill) to their new field.  And with that, they vanished, possibly never to be seen again!

Bring on the flying buckets. We will do our best.

4 thoughts on “Shed Wars

  1. Judith Garbutt

    You’ve thought it all out, Frances – I hope the weather is not as bad as anticipated and that the ponies appreciate your efforts!

  2. Sherry Walter

    haha, we actually had to cut a second door in a concrete block wall because a certain snotty mare wouldn’t let anyone else in

  3. Kris

    I’m exhausted just reading all you have to do to make them safe. Rest assured they will be grateful when the storm hits, though they may not show it.


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