Serious Wow!

We don’t really do anything with our youngsters until we have to.  It is more important they are horses than they are trained at this age.

Today, we let the boys run round, while I took photos to update the Thordale website and just because.

First it was Hjalti’s turn.


Hetja was tied up (yes, she is pregnant, and no, she is not fat).


First, we stood Hjalti up for the website photos (note-to-self, must update).


Hjalti from Thordale


He is 4 gaited (walk, trot, tölt, canter)
Blup 106

“The BLUP method with animal model is used for genetic evaluation of Icelandic horses. Themethod is called BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) since that describes the statisticalproperties of the method.  Animal model means that all available pedigree information is usedfor correct weighting of the genetic relationships among animals. The Best Linear Unbiased Prediction makes optimum use of the data on the pedigree and the scored traits and weights every piece of information correctly in accordance with the statistical model used for description of the real world.

The BLUP method is able to adjust for the effects of systematic environmental factors which can be registered in the data and make information on scores from different countries, years and on different gender comparable. The BLUP method has become a standard method for genetic evaluation of livestock (inclusive horses) worldwide.” –


Hjalti’s Sire’s side (Taktur) …..


And his Dam’s (Hetja) side:


What a darling boy.


And wow, can he move.


Next up, was Efstur’s turn.


I had managed to put a headcollar on Efstur without much fuss (Huzzah!)

First up, were the website shots.


And then off he went round the school.  In-hand to start with.

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And then by himself.


Firstly, there was the investigation of the buckets.


And then generally playing around.


BLUP  115 based on his two full siblings
5 gaited (ie, walk, trot, tölt, canter and pace)


Efstur’s Sire – Álfur frá Selfossi


Efstur’s Dam – Brá frá Reykjavík (and yes, she is pregnant too).  Not fat, no.


All very good.  All doing well.


We love the boys x


3 thoughts on “Serious Wow!

  1. Terri

    WOWEEEE! I still don’t understand why Hjalti isn’t stallion material — he looks so good to me (but what do I know). And how about Eftstur? Is it too soon to tell? Álfur is another Handsome Prince, and Brá so beautiful!


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