
A morning spent brushing the Bebbies (what is the next stage? – I refuse to call them Tweenies as they are yearlings now).

I went into their field armed with my bucket of head collars, ropes, grooming equipment, a hat and a camera.  I have come to the conclusion that is easier to go to them, than to make them come with me to the indoor school.

They liked my bucket of “toys” and so I quickly rescued my camera.


My hat was duly taken away to be investigated thoroughly.


The boys are like children.  They love playing with toys.  This rubber tyre was originally for keeping feed buckets upright – I have long given up that idea.  It makes a splendid thing to be bitten, stood on or in.


So I brushed out lots of winter woolly fur, put it into separate bags and then we had a lovely time in the beautiful Shetland spring sun, all together.  I was randomly taking photos of noses.


I had a great idea to take some “selfies” with my boys.  I am not very good at this and, to be perfectly honest, I think we were all having the same “bad hair day”!  I should’ve thought this through and prepared myself by actually brushing my hair first (ok, and the double chins and I need to do my roots too – depressed muchly!)

L1090079  L1090088    L1090104     L1090146      L1090166

BeAnne was not impressed with any of us (read very jealous) but I think it is nice to regularly chat with the bebbies.  They are very tame now.


5 thoughts on “Selfies

  1. Karen

    They are such sweeties…and please can you save me a bit of their ‘fluff’ for spinning? I will be up in a few weeks time and am happy to give you a donation for some, or do you have a price in mind per 100gms? Looking forward to meeting up and helping out with their scrumptiousnesses if you are still willing to have me 😉


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