A have had a day spent running around (for Mum) as well as arranging various logistical stuff so it was lovely to come home to the Ted (and obviously Floss who has been holding this particular fort nobly).
When I saw Ted’s photos yesterday, I decided to give Ted the mother of all haircuts – those greasy whiskers had to go, as well as his claggy tail and some side hair. After I had finished with my scissors there was a huge pile of Tedward fur and a small pile of actual Ted!
I think he looks are vastly improved and Ted was much happier too.
Are you sure Teddy is not an Ewok? He sure is cute!
Now that’s a more kissable mug!
I’ve been snooping over Ted’s shoulder. What are those white figurines on the shelf?
He looks very smart!
Great job on Ted! He’s looking pretty trim now!