Run out of Steam

I am keeping this short today. I haven’t slept in a few nights now, and I’m absolutely exhausted.  My back pain is slowly returning (the respite was nice) and I took a painkiller. That’s what is doing it.

So instead of my usual blurb, here are some photos so you can see it is dreich today.

This morning was like the beginning of a boxing match.

“In the right corner – we have Huey, Louie and Dewey plus Mum playing in a muddy puddle.

In the left corner, we have the sheep going out for the morning, minus ‘Ster, Lambie and Harrel who were hanging around hoping for chocolate cake! Dream on boys.”

As Wednesday is Water Day, I sat in the constant drizzle waiting for buckets to fill up.

I had company and I was soaked.

This is the last one.  A non-sharing situation with complaints on OH’s lunchtime lap. Pepper got there first.  Monster has no morals.

Sorry for the shortness. I have officially run out of steam.

9 thoughts on “Run out of Steam

  1. M in NC

    Lovely photos Frances. The colors are vibrant and all the little rain drops. Loved the catchup on the ducks yesterday. No suggestions for names. I can’t keep the adults straight 🙂

    As much as you would like a sunny day, I would like your rainy days. Here in NC, another day of too much heat and zero rain, though we get a break from the heat by Friday and a chance of rain… Mid 80’s Fahrenheit! Yah! Really, no sarcasm.

    M in NC (inside or in the shade).
    Water buckets to the zinnias and some geraniums. Not as demanding as your herd.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Sympathise re the pain – it’s exhausting. But lovely pictures as always. Love the last one! Monster clesarly believes OH’s lap is HIS!! Hope you get some sleep tonight.

  3. Judith

    I agree with Kris – you need time to rest. Ignore us for a few days if you have to. Lovely photos, especially the raindrops (and we get to see a photo of OH)! What a kind face!


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