Pissing Down

Funny to think that I took this photo yesterday afternoon with barely a cloud in the sky……

I even rugged everyone up before it got dark.  Daisy said the Ancients looked like a boy band, when I texted her the photo!

Anyway, this morning was a different matter.  The wind and rain were on their way so I got everyone into the school for their breakfast and rugs off (without anyone rolling first in the sand – ugh!) .

After breakfast, I could see that Kolka was not very happy with the arrangement.  She wanted to be with her boys so I opened the gates and she is now with them.

I can’t say the boys are that happy to be with Kolka but the bickering is gentle and she is quite good at keeping them moving around.  They are all disgusted at the small/medium hole haynets which means they have to eat their hay slowly.

The sheep have many sheds and I put out hay for them, to encourage them to stay near ‘Bert.

Bert is not really eating anything but leaves and I think tomorrow I will probably let him out to be with his friends.

Dahlia and Gussie have their own wee paddock and shed so they can make their own decisions without feeling pressured.  The shed is proving popular!

Everyone is checked regularly, and when I came back a few hours later, I discovered the Minions had eaten all their hay and wanted more.  They are like kids on a school trip who ate their packed lunches before the bus has even left the car park!

“Skippy” is a godsend.  Just a ruddy godsend.

The fields are flooding and I am not holding out for my fence.

We’ve had over 30mm of rain this past 12 hours!

6 thoughts on “Pissing Down

  1. Beth

    Oh, the joys of that much poo-picking {grin}. How long before everyone gets thoroughly bored and starts looking for trouble?

    Poor Bert, he really is looking fed up.

  2. judy l shank

    And I thought where we live has dramatic weather changes! However, I liked the ‘The Ancients’ band in their rain gear & the new places for the gang are lovely; such hard work you have to do, but everyone looks so happy, always. Well done! Stay safe & warm.

  3. Celeste Nossiter

    Wow, that is a big weather change! So glad you were well prepared and everyone looks cozy/comfy. ‘Bert’s eyes look better too, are they healing up ok? Hope so. I am jealous of Skippy, wish I had a friend just like him.

  4. Jacqueline

    And here am I in New Zealand complaining that although officially spring with fruit trees all in blossom, we have a 3.5 degree frost.


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