
When I came in from the breakfast feed round, I phoned to make a veterinary appointment for Monster to have bloods taken.

But when the dogs got their treat for letting me put eyedrops in Ted’s eye, Monster asked for his breakfast “Dreamie” treats too.

He wolfed them down and still said he was hungry so I put some food out for him and he happily ate that too.

No walking away, looking pale and interesting like the last few days.

So, I decided that I wouldn’t put Monster through the car journey and vet appointment, and phoned to cancel it hoping he would keep on perking up.

Can you spot him?

Yes, Monster has spent time in his bed but he is much happier and alert (this is possibly not his best photo!)

This afternoon, Monster ate his tea – a good portion and OH had brought back from town some cat milk (lactose reduced) which he was very enthusiastic about (Monster, not OH – he was busy reeling at the price along with the cat “soup”, I had asked for but we won’t go there!)

More out and about after tea. Monster was much more alert and his usual self now.

I think we can say we are all very relieved.

I think it was something(one) Monster had eaten.  He did come in at 4 am with more than a faint smell of polecat as he sat on OH’s pillowcase and poked him.  I think Monster is mixing with unsuitable friends.  I told him this and he is thinking about his choices now while licking his bottom.

So, phew and thank you for all your kind and heartfelt thoughts and prayers.  I think we are over the worst.

14 thoughts on “Perked

  1. Julia in California

    Yay!!! I’m so so so relieved. Glad Monster is back to normal and enjoying his meals again. Funnily enough, I had also guessed he may have eaten something that disagreed with him during his travels. The same thing used to occasionally happen with my boy when he was allowed outside.

    Phew!! The stress when they’re not feeling well is like nothing else, isn’t it?

  2. Kathy Shook

    So, so happy Monster is better!!! Maybe he has to stay in at night now, can only roam dawn to dusk, since he can not behave himself. I had to do that with my three cats.

  3. darby callahan

    so relieved to see that Monster is better. I too thought that he probably had eaten something that did not agree with him.

  4. Elva

    I am very happy and relieved to hear this. He really looks much better too! He has a glow of health to him!!

  5. diane in northern wis

    Wow….so glad the tide has turned for Monster. So glad to see him up and about, eating and frolicking with his doggie friends again. Thank God.


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