Operation Lets-Make-Winter-Easier

Today is the start of Operation Lets-Make-Winter-Easier.  We need this.  Previous years have been beyond awful at times and, as no one is getting any younger, I think the ponies need easily available shelter.

Yesterday, with the help of Skippy (my yellow electric little skip on wheels), I moved all the bowls and hayboxes. Next OH and I build a new temporary fence to keep all potential helpers out of the building site while the work is going on.

I don’t think anyone needs small ponies around.

Next up, all the sheep went into a field that they can’t get out of, allegedly because there would be plant coming and going during the day.

And later on, a digger and its driver (Harry) arrived.  Huzzah!

Pepper was determined that she was the best digger around.

But I said that no one needed to know this.  I was not popular.  She sulked all afternoon.

So the soil in the wee paddock is being removed down to the boulder rock, which is not that far down and then quarry waste will be put down tomorrow. This will make the ideal surface for the two shipping containers that will arrive next week.

Dragging Pepper away, I left Harry to his work.  This is an exciting time for us all.  I am optimistic this will make our lives much easier.

4 thoughts on “Operation Lets-Make-Winter-Easier

  1. judy l shank

    So happy for you in streamlining the operation for winter. Also, I was totally unaware of the electric wheel barrow. We do not have a big property, but my back is holding on bt pins,plates, & screws what there is left of the spine. This translates to my husband doing the big work in our yard. An electric cart will be a boon for him. However, I am so happy for you in making life a bit easier for all concerned.

  2. Lisa

    “…Skippy (my yellow electric little skip on wheels)” I love it! Great name! : ) That was a nickname for me as well when I broke my foot and was using crutches to get around!


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