Oh, Klaengur!

This morning, a certain orange horse was found in the hen shed having broken into the hen food and eaten just under 2kg of whole wheat!

So I instantly cancelled all I had to do today and phoned the on-call vet.  We decided to give Klængur a large dose of liquid paraffin (which I happened to have, and luckily he liked it, happily swallowing down) and to restrict water for a while.

I also decided that the best way to get the guts going with Klængur would be to exercise him.  So he has been coming into the school to walk for 15-20 minutes every hour all day.

To be fair on Klængur, he quickly got to know the routine and plodded round with me having to put in the exact same number of steps to keep him going.

I will sleep well tonight.  Well, I won’t because I will have to check him every 2-4 hours (depending on my worry level) to see that he is not colicking.

There are strong bowel sounds, lots of farts and poos and Klængur is happily eating as if nothing has happened and I am obviously making a huge fuss about nothing.

But it is early days and we are certainly not out of the woods yet.

It is lucky we are nearing the longest day so when I check at night, it won’t be dark.  I am scared of the dark and will have take my luminescent cat with me when I go out.

So that’s me for the next few days – obsessively looking at poo while walking miles around the indoor school.

Wish us well and all I can do is hope that Klængur will quickly get rid of this grain with no harmful side effects or worse.  If there is one “good” thing about this is that he was so greedy, he wouldn’t let either Iacs or Haakon near the food and he got the lot.  I can’t even begin to think what it would’ve done to them.  I feel sick at the thought now.

4 thoughts on “Oh, Klaengur!

  1. Celeste

    Oh my, what a naughty boy! I certainly hope everything moves through his system with no bad side effects. I am quite familiar with studying and worrying about poo: with my dog Milo on limited activity after his knee surgery he is frequently constipated. Good poo! I say after he goes. Good boy!

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Oh, Frances!! Fingers well and truly crossed for lots of poos , plenty of tummy rumbles and NO colic!

  3. diane in northern wis

    Oh my goodness, it’s always something, isn’t it Frances. So sorry you have to worry about this naughty boy getting into things. Praying that all goes very well and soon this won’t be a problem at all.


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