Now Nine

Well, here’s a thing. I have added two more sheep to my little flock.

They are from the scattald (open hill grazing). The ewe adopted me by standing by our gate.

And then, a few months later, she arrived with her son.

So I asked a friend to talk to the crofter, as I knew this could end badly, and he very kindly said I could have them both.  I also paid him so he wasn’t out of pocket.

When the sheep turned up this morning, this time I opened the gate and put them in the small paddock behind the house where there is also a little shed.

Later on, I went to sit in their field and was duly investigated.

The little boy refused to talk to me.

Of course, Pepper is intrigued.

I brought treats with me and they proved popular.

The ewe is a sweetie.

I think it will be Agatha or Aggie, which now I think of it, will probably muddle up Maggie.  So, she might be Dahlia.


I don’t think these two have ever seen so much food and I also gave them the sheep lick.

Little Himself still remained aloof.  He is called Bonzo but that could change to Gussie Fink-Nottle.  There is a Wodehouse theme here.

They’ve never seen a shed, so I put the lick in there.

And also their bowls.  They need to learn that they can come and go when the weather is bad, like tonight.

After having to listen to flute duets all afternoon, the other sheep came home and introductions were made.

I said to everyone “remember when you lived on the hill (Edna, Madge, Maggie, Bert), and how it was, so BE NICE!” and then fed them all animal crackers.

Little Himself, aka Bonzo, calmed down a bit later on and now will let me stroke him.

So, that’s us.  Two more and let’s hope everyone gets on.

17 thoughts on “Now Nine

  1. Celeste

    Congratulations on your new additions to your family!! I just love black sheep particularly, so these two are most beautiful. Mom looks like she needs some fattening up, which I’m confident you will do. What fun!

  2. Beth

    Is it me (who knows nothing about sheep) or does Agatha look far too thin?

    She’s a lovely girl though, and has definitely fallen on all four hooves becoming part of the Taylor Family.

  3. Kris

    The usual saying is that some sheep think and behave like dogs, but Pepper reverses that one. Love the photo of her making friends.

  4. Sharon

    Congratulations on adopting two new sheep into the family! You are a good person. I think Dahlia would be a lovely name for that ewe. She is a pretty girl and obviously quite intelligent. Little Himself is a handsome young fellow.. He looks like a smaller version of Harrel, the Barrel, though with horns. I don’t think he deserves the name Bonzo, for sure! I’m not familiar with Wodehouse’s books, but I do think Gussie is better than Bonzo. Though he might already know his name as Bonzo and it might be easier for him if you changed his name to something like Bono. Or perhaps Basil or Bruce, or any name starting with B.

  5. HeatherE

    Oh lucky you! What’s the reason behind the yarn on Agatha’s ear tag? It makes me think of the tassels on llamas ears!

  6. Sam

    Just like when cats need a home, the Cosmic Welcome Mat is put out. In your case, it is the sheep mat. Well done.


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