Nothing Ever Happens

A grot day outside (rain showers, fog and windy) so, after horse and pony feeding and checking, I spent most of it indoors.

After lunch, I vacated to my shed to make another, to go with all the rest, sheeple plus have a nice cup of tea.  I like to think I have some peace and quiet too.

As ever, I took the dogs with me, so the peace and quiet quickly left.

And Pepper hopped up and down saying “I’m bored. Are we there yet? I’m still bored!”

So once one sheeple was made (and then in again after supper to make another as I can’t keep up with demand), I took the dogs out after their tea for a good run.

We were watched by the Old Men who happened to be loitering with most definite intent.

Ted almost caught a rabbit. He just didn’t know what to do when he had it and Pepper ran about doing her bouncy part-meerkat, part dog thing.

The Old Men frisked me for food. I had none.  They told me I was nothing to them.

So now I am thinking as my life has calmed down, there really is no point in this blog and maybe I should give it up as hopefully nothing ever happens.  Ever again.

28 thoughts on “Nothing Ever Happens

  1. Sam

    Please continue the blog for those of us who have not yet visited Shetland. To see it thru your eyes is a real treat, even if this was a quiet napping day. Except for Pepper…

  2. Jane Reid

    Ha ha, your blog is never boring, even when there is “nothing” happening…..and of course we get overtaken by events! I have been subscribed to your blog for years and years, and often read it and look at the photos when I am out and about. I have always been suspicious of Big Brother and Google watching my phone, and I am now receiving regular ads for bales or half bales of hay. Hmmm not something I generally need in my city centre life. When I get ads for sheeple I will definitely know that I am being watched 🙂
    Thank you, you cheer me up a lot!

    Jane R

  3. Susan Doores

    Oh, No!
    I can not do without my daily message from you and your animals.
    Secretly in Love with Monster,

  4. Loa Whiteley

    Please don’t give it up. We really enjoy the exploits of your animals. To see views of Shetland where I’d love to go yet knowing I never will.

  5. Judith Garbutt

    Something happens every day. You keep us going with amazing pictures! Only give up if you’re tired of having to find the time to make us happy! xx

  6. Nicki

    Such a peaceful day, weather wasn’t the best for you but the company was lovely for us to be part of . Thank you for glimpses in to your life, there’s plenty our here wishing we could sit beside you watching sheeple being made and watching the old men being nonchalant.

  7. Celeste

    No, don’t give it up! I look forward to it every day and share it with friends. Nothing happening is good. So are your beautiful photos.

  8. Robin E Schwartz

    NOOOO! Don’t give it up. You can’t imagine the pleasure I get out of your daily rounds with Monster and Pepper and Ted (not to mention the sheep, horses, ponies .etc) I’d really miss this (and it keeps alive my dream of someday, someday visiting Shetland)

  9. Jacqueline Slavich

    Life is when nothing much happens, the rest is Drama. Do you imagine our lives are any different? I read you blog with my breakfast every day here in New Zealand and couldn’t imagine life without you. I’m sure you spread a field of joy to all your readers, every day. Please keep going.

  10. Amy N

    I’m another one who delights in your daily reports from Shetland. You have a wonderful eye with your photos, and I have become quite attached to all your animals, not just The Minions who I had the pleasure of meeting in 2019. And your portrayal of Shetland brings back fabulous memories of my all-to-brief visit there. So, selfishly, I hope you will continue your blog forever. And practically, I know that it is an effort, so of course, please follow your heart.

    PS — your little sheeples are each so unique! I am impressed.

  11. darby callahan

    You bring such joy with your pictures of the beautiful animals and the island, regardless of what they are up to and whatever the weather. You bring a daily smile and occasionally a tear. would miss you all very much.

  12. diane in northern wis

    Oh my gosh, Frances…..don’t give up your blog. I love it, along with a zillion other people out there too. It’s always such a joy to come here and see what’s new with you and all your crazy critters. I’m sure it’s a lot of work but I hope and pray you will hang in there and keep posting! It’s one that I look forward to so much each day. Maybe you could take the weekends off? Would that help at all? Please reconsider. You don’t need amazing stories every day…..for us to just come here and see you and your critters is the simple and lovely joy we get reading y our blog.

  13. June

    Noooooooooooo!!! don’t stop your blog Frances – it’s such a comfort to know shittiness happens to all of us xx

  14. Kris

    Have often wondered how you managed to post every day with all you have to do caring for the animals, etc. I realize much of it is cathartic, especially when you have a particular problem at hand. But when things are going smoothly, don’t think we aren’t still interested.

    Even if you just post a picture a day of Pepper, Monster, Ted or maybe one of the many others you have about you, or a photo of your surroundings, that would be enough. You don’t need to create a story or theme, we all just need to know you and yours are OK and all is well.

    Take time for yourself of course, that is most important. But please know that we are happy to just see a glimpse of your life and share in your joys and even your sorrows. It helps to bring a very disjointed world together and we all need that.

  15. Deb

    Please, this blog is the first thing I look at every morning. Living vicariously in a beautiful place with lovely creature companions. The old men look very handsome. Glad you can’t keep up with demand of the sheeple. Even one picture a day……

  16. Katy

    I so enjoy your blog that I access through Ravelry. Please continue it forever. It is part of my daily morning routine.
    Thank you for sending it to us every day!


    No, never stop your blog. My daily start for the day, checking on you and your critters. I love Shetland and try to visit during Wool Week. And I plan on picking up at least one of your sheeples. This blog keeps me in touch with my favorite place and I so enjoy your daily adventures with said critters. No, never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Nancy MacMillan

    Love all your updates…nothing happening certainly helps when at other times life is a bit too crazy. It makes my day to see your furry family pics and I send it on to my sister who is horse crazy. I’m in love with your Border Terrier mug and wondered who the maker is. Happy your Sheeples are so popular.

  19. Dot

    There is so much point to your blog, it is about all the important things: skies, weather, grass, minions, horses, ducks, chickens, Monster Ted and Pepper, your family, plants and flowers, making things, Shetland, photography, ups and downs of life, well chosen words… these and many other wonderful things. Thank you for all the care and time you put in to your blog, it is much appreciated.

  20. Christine

    Don’t you dare give up on this blog. As you can see, you’d disappoint hundreds of people around the world!
    Your blog is a very special “place” for us and we feel connected to you and Shetland in a wonderful virtual way.

  21. Judi Neil

    What everyone said. Six words Frances: “Don’t you even think of it”. Much love of your blog from the land down under.


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