Not My Dog

Yesterday morning, while OH and I were busy mucking out, and feeding ponies/horses, I suddenly thought to myself that I hadn’t seen Pepper recently.   This was not like her, she is usually around with Ted while OH and I are working.

I thought I trusted her.  I had just been thinking how well behaved she was.

How wrong I was.  A rookie mistake.

So, I looked at my phone to check to see if anyone local had seen her……

(photos courtesy of my neighbour!)

**** sigh ****

It is a new low when my dog goes for walks with my neighbour’s dogs.  I live over the hill about another 1/2 mile.

Apparently Pepper got on very well with the three dogs and had a lovely time.

I am so pleased.

So, I drove over and fetched my ungrateful wee dug home, trying hard not to ask if they would like to keep her since she got on so well with everyone.

Pepper, of course, is not sorry for her excursion.  She knows I am disappointed but she also knows I will apologise for feeling this way if she turns on the charm!

5 thoughts on “Not My Dog

  1. Alexa Berenbak

    Pepper is just so darn cute that it’s got to be so hard to get mad at her. Glad she was safe with neighbors & their pups!!

  2. Beth

    Hmm, trouble is, this little Baggage is so smart (and clearly had so much fun with her new pals) that she is at high risk of becoming a serial offender!

  3. Colleen

    Glad she is safe, but doesn’t she realize you have enough on your plate right now ? It is hard to be angry with that little face 😉
    Guess she found mucking out and pony/horse chores boring. Much more fun to find some other canine friends to pal around with 😉


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