Not Here

I have been not here this afternoon – busy collecting No 2 daughter from the airport to bring her home.

So, in absentia, I tasked No 1 daughter to go out and take photos for me for the Blog.

No 1 Daughter did good.  Very good.

She knows what make my heart sing.

Even photos of  Lambie, who was on a monumental sulk from this morning  because I asked him to live “in a field” ….. “like a normal sheep” so he could meet some friends of mine.

Lambie ,of course, then held onto that grudge for as long as he possibly could.

Fer crying’ out loud – who has a sheep, whose only friend is a chicken (the others had long since left him), and is still chanelling his inner Greta Garbo?

And this has to be the most boring film in the world!


It officially means I have no life (because I think eatiing the gate is cute) and Lambie is slightly deranged!

QED:   I need more gin!

11 thoughts on “Not Here

  1. Margaret Robinson

    I think perhaps you have a “real” animal family, not the kind you see on TV or read about in books.

    We shall endeavor to bring you more Gin when we come in October. It’s a long time between however, so you may want to pick up your own until then.

  2. Sam

    Well done, Daughter #1. I too, love just how clean your gates are. Lambie is special, not really a hill sheep type of guy. After all, there are no KitKat’s out in the field. Just boring old sheep. Greta is holding out for better conversations.

  3. Carol E

    Ok, that does it — gonna book my flights. I’ve been Waffling about whether I can manage to get There from Here, but if Greta Garbo will give me that seductive side-eye whilst chewing a gate, I just have to come.

  4. Nancy

    Lovely photos, Daughter #1!!
    And I love the video of Lambie, not only because it’s Lambie, but also because I can hear the wind and the sounds all around! =)

    Oh I really wish I could live somewhere in the country!!

  5. Terri

    Mwahahahaha! Oh Lambie, you’re so Very Special! (Btw, is Rammie still hanging around?) Thanks to Daughter #1 for the photos!


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