Not Going There

I took the dogs to Leradale for their walk and made a decision – they (the Minions) are not going there for the winter like they usually do.

There’s just too much green grass and it will not be good for them.

This way lies failure.

At home, the track is doing its job and everyone is resentful but sans laminitis which is my main aim.

This time last year, and the year before I think, we were struggling with this dreaded symptom/disease.

A small fact (very small, about 26″ of small) – Newt can turn over every feed bowl every time I turn them back to drain and keep out of the rain. It’s his talent!  I am not proud of this.


So my plan, for what it is worth, is to get the Minions through October living here and then to send them to our croft across the road. There is a nice hill park that will offer lots of grotty grass and shelter (the nearest hill).

I am trying so hard not to listen to the protests about no grass, no food, and no life.

But this times last year and the year before it was hell.  I must stay strong. I must stay strong.

3 thoughts on “Not Going There

  1. Lucy MacArthur

    It’s just occurred to me that none of them ever looks innocent – sweet yes (very) but they always have a guilty look about them

    You are doing the best thing for them Frances, just keep repeating that mantra to yourself when you feel guilty (which I am sure is a daily occurrence). Onwards & upwards!

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Just keep telling them that it’s for their own good. They won’t believe you but you’ll know you’re right!

  3. Sam

    Only a Muzzah can really know what is best for naughty Minions. Sometimes the grotty field is what they truly need. Grotty = no vet bills and worries = happy Mum.


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