Nine Sheep

Honestly, this lot.  They make me laugh.  What is it with the rescued hill sheep?  They always want more food and then some more. There is never enough.

(I took this photo having lured them all into the field with Iacs’ barley rings and of course they wanted more).

Dahlia had been at the lick bucket, which I was pleased about.

Edna was hopeful but the others knew they had already had their ration – two barley rings each.

And eventually the flock went up into the hill field to graze for the day which is where I went to find them later when I took the dogs out for their walk.

I might have had in my pocket some more barley rings and I think Gussie knew that – he is part sheep, part hay bale and part scrounger.

Dahlia is very partial to all things edible too.  Like mother, like son, only she has far better manners.

It was lovely to see Dahlia and Gussie as part of my flock of sheep.  No bullying anymore, no arguments, just sheep together. What I always wanted but seemed to take a long time to achieve.

And little Gussie had not forgotten his friendship with Pepper.

So sweet together.

And if you count them all, there are nine sheep – all together, all grazing happily, all not arguing.

Even Lambie!

4 thoughts on “Nine Sheep

  1. Sam

    Seeing Gussie and Pepper, I think his hay extensions is his way of looking like Pepper. As for the hungry sheep – you wooed them with food and the y know it.


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