New Rug Day

As you know we’ve been living a rather higgledy-piggledy existence because we took up our sitting room old Persian rug to replace it with another and have been waiting for underlay (and, yes, of course I say ¡Ándale, ándale! every time!)

Firstly, we tried to get rid of all the animals so we could work in peace.

I used bribery with Pepper.

And Monster was ceremoniously carried on his bed to a better place.

Monster’s Better Place. He was not very impressed.

Underlay down plus lots of faffing about trying to make it straight before we put the Persian rug on top.  I came to the conclusion that our house is not actually symmetrical anywhere – not a straight line to be had.

Bloody cat!

Fer cryin’ out loud, Monster!  Why, just why?

We lugged the huge Persian rug into the house (it has been living in the big shed all rolled up and protected).

Unrolled it and already I know it will be beautiful here.

More faffing with measuring now.  We tried straightening by eye but ended up going with the science – a tape measure.

Some little dog didn’t help.

I put the room back while OH walked the dogs and so here it is in all its glory.

Utterly beautiful. I am very pleased. It makes a huge difference to the room.

Meanwhile Monster found his bed again. Phew!

16 thoughts on “New Rug Day

  1. Robin E Schwartz

    Wow1 That’s stunning! The room looks so nice and warm.
    Cats will be cats. Every time I change the sheets on my bed I have to throw the cat off 50 times (and it’s only fifty because it’s the cat who’s less annoying. lol)

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Looks lovely, Frances! A good day’s work. I hope you’re now relaxing with a g&t or a glass of wine and chocolate!

  3. Suzanne Kelly

    That’s a lot of work; it looks wonderful! Like the photo of Monster being carried, like royalty.

  4. Jayne

    Oh, that rug is divine, was it your Mum’s?

    And think about it – you and OH could not possibly have done such a splendid job without Monster and Pepper’s “assistance”.

    1. Frances Post author

      No, it was a friend’s. But we did use lots of Great great aunt Kate’s rugs while we were waiting for the underlay.

  5. Susan Felton

    My goodness that is one amazing rug! You have my kind of taste in floor covering or I have yours. I also love Monster (which I have mentioned previously).

  6. M in NC

    I concur with Robin. It looks Fab-U-Lous!

    I have always loved the colors/geometrics/florals of a Persian rug. There are several in the house I live in that my mother bought. Some were machine-loomed in USA and some were imported. As a 10 yr old, she actually let me pick a rug for my room (one of the USA made rugs). Red was not my favorite color, but it was the rug with the most floral designs 🙂 …. even that young I knew what design I liked. I still have the rug and some of the others too!

    When I look at the TV and all the advertisements for rugs and furniture selling today, I can only roll my eyes and hit the MUTE button.

    Monster will recover.
    Pepper will distract him.

    M in NC

  7. darby callahan

    the rug is beautiful and your room looks great. making the bed is always a challenge with Linus the cat. I haver a confession. sometimes I don’t finish the job until the next day. he looks so content on the fresh and warm linen I just do the best I can to put the covers over me and just wait until he leaves to straighten and tuck.

  8. diane in northern wis

    Very beautiful rug. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it for many years to come. and all your furry friends too.


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