New Job

I have a new job.  Ok, not a paid one but an essential one.

When Mum died, I took all the family photos in various shoe-boxes back to Shetland.  I realised that I am probably the only person who mostly knows who is who (though, my cousin might too).  So I have taken it upon myself to try and write on the back of every photograph for identification purposes.

These memories are part of my Great-Great Aunt Kate’s diaries and there is nothing better than an old photograph with the characters identified.  Otherwise it is worthless to everyone and rather annoying.

Anyway, I may be some time – I have suitcases full of photos!  So, so many.

Other than that and everything else, while writing on the back of photos, I heard a loan whinny from the next door paddock.

So I popped my head outside my shed and saw Iacs by himself.  He has a bad habit of losing his herd and then coming to ask for help.

Armed with an old dog-lead which I wrapped around his neck, I led him to find his friends.

They weren’t far away, but they weren’t helpful either.  Some might say they were hiding very quietly.

There was a small reminder about their responsibilities and Care in the Community.

And I left them all together to get on with grazing.

Obviously, I had company, which is always lovely.

Once back inside, and everyone was in a very silly mood.


Now, back to labelling the back of old photos…… I may be some time.

3 thoughts on “New Job

  1. Susan Felton

    So good you’re taking on this new job. I wish people would just automatically write info on photos (I speak of myself here) so that in future months, years, millennia someone will know when, who and perhaps where. This is a really lovely post.


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