I have a little flock of sheeple who are all finally sort of getting along together.
And ‘Ster.
There are the occiasional “us and them” moments, though but that is when I am with them. They argue about me and who talks to me.
Lambie is the very worst for it. He looks out for Missy coming to talk so he can go and chase her off. There is only little lamb in his book and that’s him!
‘Bert is obviously a saint.
And ‘Ster is also green with envy. He has always been needy.
And Missy is an enchantment. A total delight.
I could sit and hug her all day.
She would rather nibble while she chats rather than be cuddled.
Her Mum, Edna, is very cuddly. Madge remains aloof. They both look pretty good, though. I am pleased.
So my little flock are sort of gelling as a group. The boys don’t feel the call of the hill (common grazing) half as much these days. They rarely go there and don’t ask to either, which is good and something I was trying to discourage anyway.
And as I walked back to the house, I looked behind me and saw Lambie crossing the stream too. He was trying hard not to get his feet wet.
It made me think of this photo that I took 5 years before when he refused to get his hooves wet and Daisy had to carry him over. He was so sweet when he was little. Ooof!
https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/4334923343397732154 I should have given a link to my blog Diary 6 California as I see that it does not come up in search !!
Thanks for the blog link – it doesn’t work for me, though.
I did a little search and found this – http://mastrexx.blogspot.com/ – is that you? If so, where are the blog posts?