
I am struggling with Floss’ ‘puter.  It is not my friend.

Photos are either huge or tiny, but I have given up fighting with them now.  Life is too short for this battle.

Mum’s garden is still looking wonderful.  Autumn is always a beautiful season, for me.

Teddy continues to entertain.

He has settled in very quickly.

While I was a-pottering around outside (this is the last rose of summer, apparently).

I was left to look after Teddy.

And he minded very much that Mum had gone inside.

There was porcelain that needed to moved to the kiln and no one wanted to be tripped up by Tedward.

Anyway, all was quickly done and normality resumed.

Teddy remains enchanting.

He knows exactly how to work the room.

Or the garden.

And of course, we all love him.

Still loving the ears – they are huge.

I would really like to know who they belong to, apart from Teddy.

Anywho, all is good.  Tomorrow is Oxford, the next day is the graduation and then home, via just about every method of transport.

6 thoughts on “Mum’s

  1. doris eckerlein

    What a lovely garden! reminds me very much of my mum s garden! Love Teddy s eyes…like black shiny marbles! Love, love, love your pics!!!

  2. Linda

    Your Mum’s garden is just SO beautiful (and to me, quintessentially English). I LOVE that stone wall!

    Teddy is even more adorable – if that’s possible – in these pictures…

    Congratulations to the Graduate!

  3. Terri

    Love the mid-air “let me in!” photos — Teddy is adorable! Lucky chap to have landed with your mum, and to have such a lovely, quintessentially English, garden to call his own. Have an exciting time the next few days!

  4. diane in northern wisconsin

    Great pictures of your mother’s garden…..great pictures of Teddy. And your girls are so pretty.
    I thought we wouldn’t hear from you at all this week….so this is great, hearing from you and seeing your good pictures too. Have a wonderful next few days there. You feel like family!!!


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