Moved Them

According to Eddie the Shipboard Computer (ie, my watch), it is going to be 2 degrees with a gale and rain tomorrow, and that is miserable for everyone.

So I moved the horses by opening the gate and shouting at them to come into another field.

They all acquiesced and trundled in.

And Haakon had a go at Iacs which was not necessary.

I have no idea why and I told Haakon that it wasn’t very nice to bite your cousin for no reason.

Iacs, being Iacs, let it go.  He is a glass half full kinda guy and I love him for that.

The horses quickly settled into their new field.

And I guess that means my obsession with the chemistry experiment ice crystals will have to go then.

I did a quick trip into town this afternoon with Ted for his quarterly hair cut.  While he was in being done, I went to Lerwick to Christmas shop.

Oxford Street it ain’t but I couldn’t help thinking the phrase “use it or lose it” was very apt.  With twenty days to Christmas, this is a tragic state of affairs for everyone on the Street.

It is very pretty, though, and Ted looks great – photos to follow.

4 thoughts on “Moved Them

  1. Judith

    Empty shops – what a shame. They won’t be able to continue trading if people don’t buy from them, I agree. By the way, Oxford Street isn’t Oxford Street these days either.


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