Mothering Sunday

Today is Mothering Sunday (Muzzah’s Day) here in the UK (I think my over-the-pond friends have a different one which is later).

So nothing much changed in my daily routine. Pepper did her rounds while I fed Fivla and Vitamin.

Ted is not a fan of things equine.

I moved the little boys and old ladies back into their big hill field and they seem happy enough.  I think they like all the space, despite having to really look for anything to eat.

I think I will keep them here permanently (unless it snows) to keep the laminitis at bay.  It is all I can do against this constant battle.

Today is a me-day and all my needs have been met – methinks my daughters know me too well.  So Happy Muzzah’s Day to everyone.

8 thoughts on “Mothering Sunday

  1. diane in northern wis

    Well, a very Happy Mother’s Day to you, dear Frances. I’m glad your family remembered to celebrate you! We won’t celebrate ours until the middle of May. By then we should have a few flowers starting to push up out of the ground here. This is our snowiest year and iciest year since we moved here almost seven years ago. It’s awful. I’m happy to see that your snow has melted. Hope your weather improves greatly.

  2. Judith

    Mothering Sunday greetings, a little late, to everyone. Everyone who mothers, whether a birth mother or not, whether male or female. xx


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