Morning from Hell

‘Ster has been lame for a few days now, despite various ministrations that are supposed to help.  It is wet. He has bad hooves so it is inevitable.

But even so, I don’t like seeing him in obvious pain and not keeping up with the rest. After spraying his hooves, I suddenly remembered we had some painkillers left over from ‘Bert’s most recent misery.

I read the label, measured out the liquid oral dose and squirted it into ‘Ster’s mouth. And then I re-read the label and realised I had over-dosed him by a considerable amount.  I hadn’t read the next line that said 3ml rather than the 100ml I had given him.

Shit, shit, shit.

I ran inside to phone the vet.  After a brief conversation where she said Ster would have to come in, have a drip put up, and hope his kidneys/liver didn’t collapse, she asked if I had really given him the whole bottle. I said no. Just a bit of the enclosed syringe and so with that, I ran back to the stable for the syringe and found the 100 actually referred to 100kg, so I had given ‘Ster a bit over double the dose required.  He is a hefty 40kg.  The syringe measured in kg and not ml.  So sort of phew!

So back on the phone to the vet and we decided the best course of action was just let ‘Ster go outside (I had him in a tiny paddock by now, watching him like a hawk) to have his normal day and he would most likely be ok.

And that is what I did having also left my rubber boot in the mud.

And then the car started making a “funny noise” – juddering when braking and a silly, if worrying, squeak!

Anything else?  Bring it on. Bad luck comes in threes.

Some sweet bebbie photos!

Ster is fine.

6 thoughts on “Morning from Hell

  1. Celeste

    I’m so sorry you’re having such a struggly day. Sick animals are always such a worry that of course you’re upset. I would be too! And then nothing seems to go right. Just know that many people who read your blog care very much about you and we are all rooting for you and ‘Ster. Sending my very warmest healing wishes to you both, hoping tomorrow will bring a better day.

  2. darby callahan

    happy to hear that Ster is OK. I did that once with my cat who was diabetic. the pharmacy forgot to tell me that the insulin I was given was a human dose, so he got a person dose and not feline. he had to make an emergency visit to the vet. he was fine after this with no after effects but I did feel awful.

  3. Kris

    Phew. Ster has always been one of my favorites.

    Question: In the last photo, the sheep behind Ster resembles Lambie but on steroids. (no pun intended) Is that really him?


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