Guess who was today’s lucky contestant for hoof trimming?
A clue – he is a lovely kisser.
And he has a beautiful blue eye too.
Tiddles was such a good boy. A delight. As you can see from the hairstyle, it was a bit blowy, but as Daisy and I agreed, at least we weren’t being rained on – so that was a bonus!
We always set ourselves the task of two ponios each time. We have a list and next up was Little Himself.
There was some back leg action (cow-kicking) so I told Newt that I had been asked if I knew of “a young Shetland pony that is very tame for a little girl.…… “
I was minded of this card that a friend sent me a few year’s back. I keep it in my shed. Remind me to show it to Newt!
(now goes off to look for pink net and some elastic…..)
Oh – what a FAB postcard it would be of Newt in a tutu!!!!! (Don’t tell him I said so).
And adore the close-up of the well behaved Tiddles.
Oh Newt, run, run! Your Mum wouldn’t be so cruel, surely. In photo five, he’s saying “I CAN be good, really.” Love the photos of Tiddles and the last one, which made me laugh.
Oh those noses!
Made me smile!