
Today I spent my morning “crafting” or, as we say, trying to make a hedgehog.

I struggled.

I think it was the prickles. I just couldn’t get them right or how I wanted.

So in the end I used cocktail sticks which then squished my poor hedgehog flatter so he looked like a Rowntree’s Fruit Pastille decorated with sticks!

To be perfectly honest, I am not convinced he is my best work.  I need a jolly little hedgehog for the films that I will make in my new shed.

These are just the best of many of my attempts.

I had to go for a long walk this afternoon to get over the stress of trying to make a hedgepig.  It was all too much for me. I am not cut out for “crafting”.

12 thoughts on “Modelling

  1. Kerry

    Its your cocktail stick to body ratio! Cut the cocktail sticks in half or even smaller
    This takes me back to my daughter creating a fruit and veg animal for our village fete. She hit on the idea of a hedgehog (raisins on the sticks to create brown prickles) and had the same tricky issue over proportions

  2. Margaret Robinson

    Well, for someone not “cut-out” for this type of artwork, you did just fine. He may not be what you wanted, but he (why a he, I wonder) has character.

  3. Linda Loba

    We all have to start somewhere, Frances. When I was learning to knit I remember (20+ years ago) saying to my husband “I think I just purled” – lots (and lots) of purls later, I can say with confidence that with time you’ll be making all sorts of perfect little crafted beings. 🙂

  4. janet ainsworth

    Frances…..of course you are cut out for crafting!!’s just that sometimes being creative takes a lot of trial and (not errors) but maybe learning opportunities! Just remember that every expert was once a’re only just setting out on your journey..I’m enthralled by your creations..

  5. Yvonne

    If nothing else she has very intelligent looking eyes. It’s certainly very stressful when what’s in our minds eye doesn’t translate…a good walk, then a nap can solve most things!

  6. Terri

    Very cute, but he looks more like a porcupine to me (sorry). This hedgehog is dangerous-looking. We used to have one in our garden in Bavaria. (a sweet, shy lil critter)
    Can hardly wait to see your finished Thordale Film Studio!

  7. Cathy

    What about dark coloured bristles from a body brush? You could cut them from the base with a sharp blade and put them in in tufts if it makes it easier.

  8. Freyalyn Close-Hainsworth

    Have you got a tiny piece of fur fabric somewhere? Or a piece of knitted/wool fabric you could brush to raise up a deep nap? Either of those would work better and more in scale with the ‘hog’s tininess.


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