
Meanwhile, back at the ranch a few things have been happening.

BeAnne is very down, refusing to eat and losing weight.   The vet checked her over.  I needed to know there was nothing sinister going on.  I am now obsessed, obviously. He diagnosed depression brought on by the loss of her two “friends” in quick succession.  It has been all too much for Her Maj.

When we were south last week we had to visit Pets At Home in Aberdeen to get some cat things.  We also bought BeAnne an array of new toys, which she is quite likes.

If you have seen Best in Show (brought to you by the same folk who made This is Spinal Tap) then you will know about Busy Bee.

So we had to buy one for BeAnne. It is to help her through her depression/neuroses.  Here is a link to Busy Bee which I highly recommend if only to make you smile because of the film.

BeAnne and I also go for long walks along the road as exercise releases endorphins.  She is beginning to turn a corner and plays more with her new toys.  Monster is nicer to her as well.

The vet had a bit of a list when he visited – he had to check Monster over too.  Last up was gelding Dreki Dragon.  It was done and he is still talking to me, just.

What with everything going on, we totally managed to miss Lambie’s third birthday.  He doesn’t seem to mind and is enjoying life.

So, that’s us.  The Spring grass has started to grow, if slowly, and everyone is very happy.

We are having some lovely sunny days and it is getting warmer.

With that, I bet it snows next week as lambing is in full force.


11 thoughts on “Meanwhile

  1. Sam

    Ah, Busy Bee! I forgot about that toy. Animals do mourn their companion losses. Keeping good thoughts that BeAnne will turn the corner soon. As for Lambie, the Maine Coons had a catnip party in his honor on the 24th. And we do not yet have Spring in New England, hints but not the true event.

  2. Catherine

    When we lost our old boy dog, his two sons grieved for ages. They were 7 years apart in age but he had taught both of them everything a good boy needed to know, and they always sought his lead in everything. They would not each much and were quite depressed and very keen to be with us all the time. I too worried about appetite and weight loss, and took them to the vets twice over 6 weeks as I was genuinely worried. Very slowly, they came round and picked back up where they had left off. It was very touching, although sad, to see how lost they felt without him.

    1. Frances Post author

      That’s good to know. I am sorry for your loss but it makes me realise what BeAnne is going through. Xx,appreciated

  3. Terri

    Just a thought…Perhaps you might take BeAnne for more outings where she can meet people? She certainly enjoyed being the center of attention (of the spectators) at the training session. A belated Happy Birthday to Lambie!

  4. Margaret Robinson

    The difference a few weeks makes in the weather (and maybe with BeAnne). She misses them and is grieving, which I think they do far more than we realize. You’ve done all that you could for her and she seems to be improving, albeit slowing (at least in our minds). Take care of yourself and Happy Birthday to Lambie.

  5. Sherry Walter

    I do hope BeAnne comes out of it soon. When I lost my old mare her son grieved for a long time. He would follow the track where they dragged her body to and through the gate to bury her and then stand at the gate just staring. It darn near broke my heart. Finally he would stand by the fence getting as close as he could to my pot belly pig (he was quite desperate!). Eventually he began eating again and finally went out to the pasture. He was quite beside himself when I acquired another mare even though she was terribly disdainful.

  6. diane in northern wis

    Oh dear, so sorry to hear about your BeAnne being so down. Hope you are able to cheer her up soon. It’s bad enough when people get depressed, but when it happens to our pets too…..oh my. Hope her new toys cheer her up and that the nice walks help too. Hope your warmish weather continues. Happy B Day to Lambie!

  7. Eva

    Happy Birthday Lambie! Maybe as a birthday treat and as therapy for poor sad BeAnne, Lambie could have a few evenings inside with her old friend?


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