Manners maketh the Shetland pony

Every day, religiously, Jo comes over to feed Taktur for me.

She has tried a variety of methods to enable her to feed him without a) feeding the others and b) not having to take him out of the field.


As usual, it all started fairly smoothly.  Taktur had taken himself between the two fences which was very convenient and so Jo decided to sit on the gap in the wall to prevent potential marauders and  invaders.

Contestant No 1 was Indy PingPong – a Shetland pony stallion who is used to getting his own way by being charming.


He did try very hard – got his best smile out and everything.


Some of the others realised they didn’t stand a chance so stayed up the top to admire the scenery and be jealous.


Contestants No 2 and 3 were the small hobbitses.  Like father, like son, they favoured the distraction method.

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Eventually it was too much for Haakon. so he came down to see what Indy was doing and to decide whether he could join in too.



Jo still refused to budge.


Taktur was going to have his food and they would have to go through her to get it.


She explained this to Indy who was not impressed considering the time and investment he had put into being gorgeous and charming.


In his mind he deserved a decent meal, preferably Taktur’s, for all the effort. There were even moments when he thought Jo’s head might have fitted the bill.


And so, while Taktur ate his meal, Jo talked to everyone who wanted to talk, or wanted to watch Taktur eat his food, thinking she had won and this was, at last, the method that worked. Suddenly  Indy made a decision and just climbed the 2 foot high rock wall in front of her and barged past to get Taktur’s food.  It was then Jo jumped the perimeter wire fence and left them to it.  Luckily Taktur had finished so all Indy got were the pickings.  I was less than impressed and I think Jo was rather suprised!


Indy was thinking about his stomach – his raison d’être.  I thought he had better manners than that.


5 thoughts on “Manners maketh the Shetland pony

  1. Cate

    Laughing out loud here once again. Love your picture stories, Frances. Love that rascal Indy, too! 🙂

  2. Silke Juppenlatz

    God, it just amazes me how much Indy looks like my Shetland stallion Poly. I swear, same face!
    (Same shenanigans too…)


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