A friend and I went to visit Lyradale – I haven’t been back since we took everyone away early last Spring.
I didnt need to see it really but I just wanted to know if the grass was growing.
The answer isyes, yes it is. Very much. So that’s good.
Last year, I didn’t buy Lyradale or move the ponies in until December so I am going to try and do the same again this year (unless, of course, we are desperate.)
Nothing is written in stone and you never know. We will see what the winter weather brings.
Lyradale is special and particularly suited to winter grazing as it can offer natural shelter from three sides.
There is also more grass as there have been no sheep grazing this time.
So, my friend and I wandered around.
There are a few faint archaeological features which I would be very interested to know more about.
The first is the low rock boundary and parallel rocks down one side.
Next up, is the “round” house or long house” depending on your opinion.
And, lastly, there is the ninety degree turn on the wall boundary with an extra bit built in. Now what is that all about?
So answers on a postcard, please. If you want to come and dig or geo-phys the area, please do get in touch. We would love to know more.
All being well, the equine inmates will arrive in January. All not being well, they may come a few months earlier.
The second picture is hauntingly lovely. Had a good chuckle about the “inmates” coming in December.
Lyradale is an enchanting and fascinating property. Peace and quiet. Please share if you find out about its history. I’d gladly join the other inmates! (provided I could put a roof on the house)
I’m confused – a novelty, but still………………You don’t own the property in Lyradale? Somehow, I thought you did.
I own Lyradale. I bought it last December. Just left it empty when I moved the horses.
The low rock boundary looks crofting period (prehistoric boundaries don’t use right angles, they are curved), I would presume it is the base of a feelie dyke (turf wall), the other rocks beside it however could be the remains of an earlier. The “house” looks like a prehistoric house from your pics at least. Not sure what the extra bit on the corner of the enclosure wall is though, would be interested to hear if anyone else knows! Looks like Lyrdale has been occupied for a long time. Hope that helps a bit 🙂
Thanks, Esther. Come and have a dig!
Wow what a place!!! Just can’t imagine owning all that land (I’d love just a little piece of it). I suppose you are hoping the grass where your ponies are at the moment will last until December and then you can transfer them to Lyradale where there is new grazing for them. It still seems strange to me that you can let your ponies wander off in all that land, seemingly free – I would worry about them, but I understand that is bliss to Shetland ponies and they are built for that particular lifestyle. I to would like to know more about the history aspect, especially that “Round House” – I wonder who lived there or what it was used for?? Very interesting.