Lovely and Calm

The roof from our old lambing shed left us yesterday.  Daisy said she heard some noise. The rest of us were oblivious.  Anyway, it landed in the garden and OH quickly tidied it away for possibly burning later.

It wasn’t a great roof, to be honest, and we all said we were amazed it had lasted this long.  One of those things.  There are bound to be casulties in a Force 11 (not quite a hurricane).

Today was a different story.  Beautiful calm. Barely any wind but frozen under foot.

I am leaving all the little boys out 24/7 now.  They have soaked hay in their box and there is barely any grass in their field (seriously nothing – and possibly more on the moon). My aim now is to get some weight off (the winter weather should help), while managing the laminitis without getting colic.

The Old Men are next door with loads of old grass.  They are very content and sort of friends with their small neighbours.

Storm and Albie still get a daily bucket of nothing with painkillers.

I will see how everyone gets on with this new regime.  I hope it works. I don’t like having ponies indoors all the time. Fresh air is good for everyone.

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