I am feeling a little bit proud of the Minions. Oh, yes, they may hate where they live because the old ladies have all the spring grass but it has done them the world of good.
No more fat little Shetland ponies going into spring.
Instead lovely svelte little Shetland ponies who will NOT get laminitis this year.
From now on, I am going to do my utter best to keep them much trimmer.
It was such an awful shock last year (and very hard work for Daisy and Floss who were left with the fallout while I went south) when both Tiddles and Waffle got laminitis. Seeing them so lame and miserable was a real wake-up call for us all, especially me.
After the farrier has been on Saturday and trimmed everyone’s hooves, I will go and look at the hill field over in Sandness and consider moving everyone there. Leradale is too useful as a winter field for the Minions to spend summer here.
If, and only if, I think it will be an ok field for them to spend the summer in, then I will move them all over next week.
However, if the field is too green and laminitis-inducing, then I will have to think again.
I don’t actually think I have ever seen Storm looking so good.
However, it has not been easy and everyone hates me.
How do you explain to a greedy Shetland pony, or 6, that you are being cruel to be kind?
The old ladies will also go with the Minions and I will go on feeding Vitamin extra.
Meanwhile, back in Fat Camp, someone might think of slimming down but Life’s Buffet Trolley is pretty good at the moment.
Still we can’t all be svelte. Believe me, I know!
When the Minions arrived at your doorstep, they did not know love or abundance of food. You have taught them both – okay maybe a wee bit over on the food. But look at what you did! Now as for the feline, sometimes one needs padding to make a certain small dog green eyed when snoozing on a lovely red fleece…
As I’ve discovered, keeping a Shetland pony slim is an ongoing procedure! You can’t turn your back for a minute or Mr Pony will surely find that patch of luscious grass.
There will be none of that here, from henceforth. I just cannot allow it.