Looking for Sheep

It was my turn to take the dogs out for their walk so I decided we would look at the grass situation in each field while looking out for the sheep.

The small orange dot is Pepper and we are in my biggest field – the hill park.  Parks are fields here in Shetland.

And the tiny hillock on the horizon is possibly a sheep…..

As we got nearer, my sheep/hillock theory was found to be correct.

Imagine my joy when I saw my beloved Lambie sitting in a heap of stones (possibly an old house site in the Bronze Age), chewing his cud.

Little sweetie.  So precious.

They were all about, bar Dahlia and Gussie who were close to the house looking for their breakfasts that they missed.

I wish the sheep would all be together but no one is very keen on the new arrivals.  The main culprits are actually all of this lot at various stages of the week.  Lambie has been very sexy odd/creepy with Dahlia and she hates it (she has a point!)  ‘Bert loathes Gussie who doesn’t care.  Barrel was not been kind at the beginning but is slightly nicer now.  Ditto Maggie.  Madge steers clear of everyone and Edna just wants feeding,

But we have enough land and places everyone can live without falling over each other.

Actually, I think the only one who isn’t mean to Dahlia and Gussie is ‘Ster.

He just doesn’t want to be left out and on his own.  He has separation anxiety issues.

So I left this lot and went back to the other faction to find two feed bowls of food to give to them.  My life is never simple.

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