Learning Curve

My learning curve is now vertical.

Fivla’s blood results are back. They showed insulin dysregulation and I am totally floundering trying to find out what that means and and how to care for her.

First thing, I took Fivla out of her field.  No more grass and there she stayed while I went to work packing vegetables.

The others were surprised but not unhappy to see Fivla.

However, I am worried about Vitamin, who will miss her best friend hugely but this is the best for Fivla.  I may put someone in like Newt in with Vitamin during the night-time so she has a friend, albeit Newt.  Poor, poor Vita-moo.

When I got back from work, I made another decision and took Fivla out of the track, putting her in the “slimming” paddock. Albie offered to keep her company.

I gave them some of the night-time soaked hay and noticed Fivla is quidding (spitting it out after chewing) badly, which is not brilliant.  The equine dentist is due mid-October but I doubt it will make any difference to this.  She is 27 and her teeth are going.

But my plan is for the weight to come off, no laminitis, no colic and for Fivla to be happy in her new environment.  I am searching the internet for a good hay replacer that we can feed four times a day.


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