Lambster’s Turn

Looking at Lambie and ‘Bert’s baby photos reminded me of how sweet ‘Ster was too.

So here he is today.  Of course he came straight up for a hug because that’s what he does.

‘Ster has a beautiful face.

And a noble profile too.

And, if I had to grade the fleeces, then ‘Ster wins hooves down.  He has the most beautiful katmoget Shetland wool.  I often use it to make my sheeple out of as it is a joy to work with.

Dear ‘Ster – or Lambster as he was originally called to match Lambie, Lambert…. you get the picture.

‘Ster arrived on November 8th 2015.  He had a bad start to life – another bottle fed lamb who lived in a very small space all his lamb life.  I couldn’t bear seeing him like this, so asked the crofter if I could have him.

When I brought him home, it was evident ‘Ster couldn’t walk very well. He could stand up and that was about it.

To this day one of ‘Ster’s back legs is always constantly at an angle.

He also has reduced lung function and puffs and pants a lot. He can’t run much either.  I guess it didn’t develope when it should have.

But ‘Ster quickly won our hearts and we tamed him down quickly

To this day, he has appalling separation anxiety which the others totally exploit, often leaving him behind without mentioning their going.  Rotten lot.

He always wants a hug too and I am very happy to oblige.

He is the cuddliest of all the sheep and Lambie could learn a lot from him.

7 thoughts on “Lambster’s Turn

  1. Sam

    Ster. like all your critters, won the jackpot when you found him. Please give him a big hug from me.

  2. diane in northern wis

    Thank you for this charming look back at your sheep when they were babies….so fun to see and hear the stories of their beginnings with you. You have such a kind heart and have made such a good home for all your critters. They are blessed to be in your care.

  3. Carol E

    ‘Ster has always been my favorite! I love the baby photo of him looking straight at the camera, and have had it as my iPhone background for a long time, through a number of software and hardware upgrades. Each time the photo gets enlarged a bit, meaning I see less of his face (he’s quite zoomed in now). He gives me the warm and fuzzies!


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