Kolka’s Shed Now

We have some serious weather about to arrive but it is going to be warm while very windy, with a bit of rain and I can’t make my mind up what to do for the best.

So I did nothing, but showed Kolka the shed instead.

She is very taken with it.

And I am teaching Kolka to remember where this shelter is, if she needs it during the bad weather.

Every afternoon, Kolka leaves the Old Men to come and stand by the fence to remind me that she gets an afternoon bucket so today I left it in the shed, along with a pile of hay for herself.

And I have told her to not invite the Old Men in because they are all fat and don’t need to live in the shed.  Kolka agreed, though I know she will rejoin them when she’s finished everything and I bet she doesn’t mention the hay!

So, bring on the weather.  I wonder if Kolka will use this shelter in the bad weather or stay with the others.  Her choice.

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