Kolka’s Adventure

We are in the calm before the storm so I got the Icelandic horses up to dry off, put rugs on and worm.  They will stay outside but in a more sheltered field across the hill.

Iacs was very unhelpful, parking himself next to the hay bale while I worked away at the others.

I decided to lead Haakon and Kolka to the new field hoping Iacs would follow.


On my way out of the shed leading H&K, I shouted at Iacs to follow so he went on a rampage instead and tipped up all the buckets looking for things.

Feeling thwarted, I took off Kolka’s headcollar, told her to follow and got Iacs instead.  He could obviously not be trusted.

We set off across the hill, a route everyone knows and Kolka was dutifully following to start with and then she had an independent thought and left!

See that dot under the derelict house? Well that’s Kolka going on her adventure.

I shouted at her and told the boys to shout too, but of course they were completely silent.  Kolka eventually realised she was on her own, panicked and came rushing home…..

Useless, useless men.  Completely silent.  No help at all.

I love how the little ones are all watching transfixed by Kolka’s behaviour.

I think at this stage Kolka realised she should hurry up and get in that field.

Well, Haakon was very pleased to see her.  Iacs couldn’t care less.

And I could tell Kolka was remembering her dream of adventures.  Let’s keep them only as dreams, Kolka, please.

3 thoughts on “Kolka’s Adventure

  1. Beth

    Oops, given the weather forecast that is quite enough adventure, thank you very much.

    Stay safe, the next 48 hours look horrible. xx

  2. Judith Garbutt

    I’m keeping my fingers (and toes) well and truly crossed for you for the next couple of days. Watching the forecast on the news this evening, it made it look as if the worst of the weather was going to be circling round and over the top of Shetland. I hope all your protective plans and preparations are effective.


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