Klængur – What to Do

A little known fact – I have given up riding. It was killing my back. It has taken me a while to get my head around this, hence why I said nothing.

And Klængur is in “Fat Camp” at my neighbour’s to lose weight.

It was needed.  He was dangerously large but is getting less so, now.  I am grateful for this intervention.

Klængur will probably come home in November.

And then what?  I am not sure.  I will do my best to keep the weight off, but it won’t be from riding, more less intake (he can live in the Minion’s wee park, if necessary, sans Minions).  Yes, I feel bad that I am not riding Klængur anymore but, to be perfectly honest, my back is so much better from not riding and I don’t have his saddle anymore either (Daisy wanted it for Efstur).

I don’t think the Ginger Ninja is missing this riding thing.  I sort of do missing riding and, if Haakon was 100%, I would happily hop on but Klængur spooks at grass that looked at him a funny way and that makes things stressful and we all suffer.

We’ll see….. Never say never.

11 thoughts on “Klængur – What to Do

  1. Sam

    Sad when our bodies demand we give up enjoyable activities. Not knowing much about this subject but can you do cart driving with Mr. Handsome?

    1. Frances Post author

      A horse that spooks at grass that looks at him in a funny way, is not a horse to drive and I hate carriage driving!

  2. Cathy

    So sad to read this Frances. I don’t suppose I could re-write your first sentence to read “I have given up riding FOR NOW “ ???
    I just stopped to think how I would get my head around giving up riding, and can only imagine how you must feel. You’ve had so much to cope with in the last eighteen months and I’m sure tiredness and tension won’t have helped your back.
    I’d like to think that with time and some tlc you may be able to look forward to getting back on board, as well as enjoying spending quality time with the Old Men and the Minions in the meantime.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    I sympathise with the ‘giving up riding’ situation, Frances. what about trying some liberty training with Klaenger? It would help to keep him fit and slim and I bet you’d enjoy it!

  4. M in NC

    Question, would he like to take walks with you and the sheep, or does he spook without a rider?
    The ‘at liberty’ work is a good suggestion. some exercise and brain work for both of you . I don’t have a horse, but reading other blogs, the writers seem to enjoy the tasks. You have a good indoor, so that would reduce the weather issues and possible distractions.

    M in NC

  5. darby callahan

    You have my complete understanding Frances. Up until few years ago I did ride a bit. when my horse died at 31 that was kind of it. I do have another pony but my daughter rides her. I will get on when she is done and walk around the schooling ring a couple of times. even doing this makes me nervous. I tell myself perhaps next time I might do more. I am 81 now and I am really afraid that if something happens I will lose my mobility. I live alone in a multi leveled house, so don’t know what I would do if disabled. I have in fact never been a brave rider , but it has become worse with age. I have always loved horses and often it enough to be around them.

    1. Frances Post author

      I totally understand what you are saying. It is enough, as you say, to be around horses. I love that almost as much as riding and I will be content with that.

  6. diane in northern wis

    Klaengur looks so adorable in these pics. I’m sorry that you won’t be riding anymore….but I can understand if it is making your back miserable. Hope he loses enough weight soon so he can come back home. You take such good care of your animals, Frances.

  7. Deb

    I too was wondering about taking him for walks but I guess not. Like Cathy above, maybe you can think of it as not riding for now. He sure is handsome.


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