It’s Tough Out There

This morning was tough – blisteringly cold, with occasional hail and gale force winds so the old ladies went out with the proviso that if they asked to come inside, they could.  Standing up was tricky, so we just managed minimal outside chores.

Around 11-ish, I found Fivla by herself looking miserable and trying to catch my eye.

So I opened the gate and shouted.  She trotted to the shed without a second asking.

I popped her in a small stall….

…. and gave her a few scoops of hay replacer to warm her up.

And a few minutes later Vitamin shouted and came charging inside too – another bucket of grub for her.

There was also the disgruntled audience but they have their soaked hay, which of course they didn’t want. I didn’t listen to their complaints.

So that just leaves these three outside, who are making good use of both containers.

And the Icelandics who are grazing like it’s just a mere zephyr blowing.

The sheep are all fine too.  They are very good at finding shelter – the lee of the shed today.  Dahlia and Gussie dutifully appeared for breakfast, which they had in their shed and then got in a muddle because I had changed their breakfast place and routine.  Never, ever change a sheep’s routine.

Casualties of this ferocious storm?  One hen house which is now in its component parts in the field, and my Jerusalem artichoke bed which, to be fair, was on the way out anyway.

No flute today – not weather for driving in – so I made a sheep instead.  The wind is slowly dying down now and we are forecast snow. *** sigh ***

2 thoughts on “It’s Tough Out There

  1. Beth

    I love how the old ladies “tell” you that they want to be out of the wind.

    Are you still on snow-watch or has that passed for now?


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