
The sky was yellow and I knew the forecast was going to deteriorate to snow, so I took the dogs out early for their walk. We went down to the bottom of the valley where the wind doesn’t blow but the snow started.

Kolka was intrigued by a hunting party. Monster had appeared out of nowhere. I was surprised he joined us.

But come too, he did, and we all thought he was very intrepid, or stupid.  Let’s go with intrepid.

It describes Monster very well.

God, it was vile out there.  Absolutely miserable.

I don’t think anyone enjoyed themselves.

I quickly checked the ponies to find the sheep all wanting to come home and Fivla standing by herself at the gate, shaking.  So I put her into the stable, gave her a big bucket of hay replacer mush, towelled her down, and let her warm up a bit.

I came back after my lunch, put a rug on her and let her rejoin her friends. I also opened up the wee shed, and put out four haynets.  I checked everyone else and no one was shaking from the cold (-10 C real feel and it really was).

The shed is popular and Vitamin has firmly taken up residence with no intention of moving out!

She will let others in too if they ask nicely.

Later I saw Fivla, complete with rug, had gone out to eat grass in the field.  I was going to give her some more hay replacer but reckoned she was ok now and didn’t want it.

The Ancients are fine and when there was a lull in the wind, I called them up for a huge bucket  of soaked fibre block mixed with Rowen Barbary ReadyMash Extra, which they love.  I never saw them again!

3 thoughts on “Intrepid

  1. Celeste Nossiter

    Monster was just hoping for lots more snow so he could be a camouflaged hunter. He is such a special guy!


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