In Need of Cheering Up

This morning was busy because we were burying Storm so I had to move all the horses and ponies to give the digger-man clear access to where we bury everyone – down the bottom field.  Klaengur and every cat and dog are there.

After breakfast buckets, I led Haakon and Iacs, with Kolka following into the hill park but once Storm was in his final resting place, I decided to move them back again as the weather is going to be bad and they will need all the shelter they can find.

To do this, I of course was totaly ill-prepared and so resorted to leading Iacs by his chin-hairs, with Kolka following and Haakon wondering what all the fuss was about.

Once back in their old field, I gave them all a carrot to say thank you for being easy and straight-foward.  It does make life so much easier when everyone cooperates.


Then, in my gloom, I went on with my walk. Ted had long since gone home for some reason only known to himself so it was just myself and Pepper.  I was quickly seen by Dahlia and Gussie who came running over, which was lovely.

I found a cold bum-shaped rock and sat on it so that Gus-Gus could come and tell me just how much he loved and appreciated his new life.

Perfect teefs.

Dahlia had other things on her mind.  She said her hello’s but left me with her son.

Tomorrow does not bode well for the weather so I wanted to get everything done today.

You’ve gotta love this little face.  Gussie is a delight. I cannot love him more and he did his best job of cheering me up.

(And I love how these two still get on very well.)

6 thoughts on “In Need of Cheering Up

  1. Judith Garbutt

    It must have been a sad and difficult day for you but it’s sweet that Gus did his best to cheer you up. I hope the weather isn’t as bad as forecasted. xx

  2. Rebecca A Final

    I just love the photo of Kolka grazing in front of the stone building with the lovely hills behind. It’s just a beautiful, balanced, simple photo. Lovely.

  3. Beth

    You are right, Gussie is a delight and how lovely that Dahlia knows she can say hello and then bugger off, leaving her boy safe in your company.

    Yesterday must have been quite gruesome for you – I hope there is some space in which you can grant to yourself the kindness which you would not dream of withholding from a friend who was in a similar situation.


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