In a Dwaam

I have spent today in a dwaam.

dwaam. n – a faint or senseless state” – John J Graham’s Shetland Dictionary.

I can’t seem to get my head around what has happened so I am sharing some more arty-farty photos I have been working on…….

Hetja and Lilja

Majestic Hetja

Little Lilja

Mother and daughter

Itchy daughter (why are foals always so itchy?)

Why, mother, why?

So they can be beautiful ladies when they grow up.

The newly arrived Dreki and Brá.

Statuesque Hetja and Lilja

Spindly young legs

Trying to work out this leg thing

My greatest sadness – Lilja lost her ginger tufty lug linings

The determination of Dreki, the Dragon.

I hope you like the photos and thank you for all your messages of support.  They mean so much. xx

13 thoughts on “In a Dwaam

  1. Beverly

    As always….beautiful photos, Frances. I am so very sorry for your losses. The hardest part of loving animals as we do…. is saying goodbye. Goodbye tears could fill an ocean….

  2. Terri

    Profoundly beautiful. I hope you find some measure of comfort in the nose kisseys and “hugs” from your herd (all species).

  3. Linda

    Beautiful photos of mothers and their children (how quickly they grow) thank you.
    Wishing you strength and healing

  4. Sam

    These are wonderful photos. You really do have a grand eye. Dwaam – we have all been there. It sucks but my grandmother told me “the bigger the hurt when they leave, the bigger the love you shared”. Thank you, again, for sharing your animal family with us.

  5. diane in northern wis

    Just beautiful pictures of your beautiful horses and their babes, Frances. You are such a photographer. It is a gift. Life has so many ups and down Frances … we understand how you’re feeling. Bless you for showing us these wonderful pics.

  6. Nancy

    I love these photos!
    I especially like the giraffe-y looking one!
    I hope that you feel better soon. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be missing one of your family.
    Love and hugs to you!!!

  7. Kris

    Somewhat comforting to see evidence of life cycles continuing when you are grieving a loss. Your photographic art expressions can help soothe the pain. It’s my outlet when I’m depressed or in a state of “dwaam”. (Thanks for the new vocabulary word.)

    Your photos bring much joy. Thank you.

  8. Eva

    I’m so sorry to hear about your beautiful Wussums. It is totally heartbreaking to loose a precious cat, and so soon after losing Delia.

    If your pictures are anything to go by, they both had the best lives possible, it is one of life’s great cruelties that animals live for a shorter time than us.

    Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures of your horses when I imagine you don’t really feel in the mood.



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