IHSGB British Championships – Day 2

We were at the oval track bright and early this morning, but in the rain.  Daisy was first in with T3 – Intermediate Tölt.

She qualified for the finals tomorrow. Happy.

A long wait of sitting in endless non-stop persisting rain and then V2 – Intermediate Four Gait.

The heavens promptly opened but Kappi and Daisy soldiered on, giving it their very best.

Again, Daisy made it into the final tomorrow.

We are now sitting in our hotel bedroom (some of us munching snacks) with clothes drying everywhere.  Flossie remarked that it looked like we had been doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award!

Tired and wet but very happy and proud.  More tomorrow and please keep going with the good luck vibes for Daisy and Kappi plus any spare ones for some nice weather!

12 thoughts on “IHSGB British Championships – Day 2

  1. Judith Garbutt

    Brilliant results! The weather’s supposed to be better tomorrow so fingers crossed for you. I hope you manage to get your clothes dry! Kappi’s trot is awesome ! I think he should change career and become a dressage diva.

  2. Jean Ward

    Good luck for Sunday. I once visited the British Champs at West Linton – lovely place. Pub served good food.
    Hope the weather improves for you.

  3. Margaret Robinson

    Finish well and enjoy!!!!! Oh, and try and stay dry – all of you! Daisy and Kappi – you’re awesome!!!!!!! MMR

  4. Darby

    so glad you made it to the finals in spite of the awful weather. you should feel very proud. here’s to clear skies tomorrow and much success!

  5. Terri

    I wish I could be there to watch Daisy and Kappi — they belong together, so elegant! Best of luck again! (you’ve already got talent) May the sun shine for you tomorrow.

  6. Susan O'Neill

    Well done Daisy and Kappi, Daisy is such a lovely rider, well done support crew as well. Best of luck for tomorrow and may the weather gods smile on you. xxxx


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