IHSGB British Championships 2018 – Day 1

(Excuses – I am exhausted and I need my bed so commentary will be brief)

Practice on the oval track in the morning.

It went well – Daisy and Kappi worked hard on both reins.

We left Waffle to his own personal supply of carrots and told everyone he was an Icelandic horse who shrunk in the wash!

In the late afternoon a world ranking event – Intermediate Tölt class (T3).

They got good marks.

A bit of a wait and then back in with Intermediate Four Gait – V2.

I cried – they did very well.

The horses are back at their livery yard, fed and watered, it is late and we are going to bed, tired but happy.

An early start tomorrow.  More good luck wishing please. xx


10 thoughts on “IHSGB British Championships 2018 – Day 1

  1. Margaret Robinson

    Great job those two!!!!! Good luck tomorrow and sleep well (all of you).
    A note from the “far side” – we don’t show but can relate. However, Smokey Robinson is pouting because his relatively new friend and neighbor (in the corral next to him) has been temporarily moved because of a bee’s nest. It’s on Cola’s fence so instead of moving the nest immediately (for reasons I’ve not found out yet), they moved the horse. They don’t seem to bother anyone or any horse as yet, but as much as I like honey, I’d prefer they built it somewhere else. Never seen this happen so close to a horse and it’s a “split” colony. Half is still in the tree (where they all belong anyway) nearer the arena and out of the way. Odd.


  2. Sherry Walter

    I can’t tell you how impressed I am with Daisy’s seat, she literally seems to grow out of her horse. What fun it would be to actually watch her ride in person.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    Hope today has gone as well as yesterday (I missed your report last night – just caught up). Will look forward to today’s report.


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