Most odd. Most, most odd.
‘Ster has been missing for two days and nights in the hill. Usually he comes home in the evening but there was no sign and I was about to mount a search party when he walked through the little gate I always leave open.
He brought someone with him.
I couldn’t believe it and there was a very strange atmosphere. I am trying very hard not to anthropamorphise but there was a definite air of “I have brought him back for you”.
‘Bert looks very thin and rather bleak.
He tucked into his breakfast of Ewe Nuts (Lambie’s favourite – he just won’t look at anything else and it has to be served in his special bowl and not on the ground, thank you very much) and stayed with ‘Ster and Lambie all day.
No one minds the new addition. It is as if Lambert never left.
It rather begs the question – is this Lambert or just some random moorit sheep who followed ‘Ster home?
I have to say I think it is ‘Bert.
Just a rather thinner, more worldly, version. He is tame-ish, and will come up to me and let me stroke him. A Shetland hill sheep wouldn’t do that. Update: He has just followed me into the stable by himself when I went to feed Albie his last meal before bed. I easily caught him and wormed him and gave him some extra food as a reward.
Anywho, the Boyzenberries are back together.
And I think ‘Ster is wonderful for bringing him home to me.
Here are some old ‘Bert photos. I am hoping you can see the resemblance and it is not Martin Guerre. Whoever he is, I think he needs us and I really hopes he stays, even just to get fat again.
Tiddles is coming out as they say here and he had a large multi-vitamin injection in his bum.
Welcome home Bert
What a wonderful tale. X
what a crazy, crazy last few weeks you’ve had! today is the cherry on top, eh?
Yup, the cherry. So pleased.
Was wondering about him since you last posted seeing him not too long ago.
I think it is him, he just needs some groceries.
Glad the boy has come in from the cold.
This story is just amazing — you needed a bright spot in your life! I think it must be ‘Bert, especially since he’s tame, but he looks awfully scrawny. (Life In The Wild is not always what it’s cracked up to be.) And even if it isn’t ‘Bert, who cares? This fellow seems to need a home. A gold star for ‘Ster!
Having inspected the “before and after” photos – I’m sure it is definitely Bert – same lines on the ears, same extra fluff on either side of his nose, and the same un-developed horns, plus he has the same eyes! Identical in every way except older and thinner… How lovely!
I am so glad you confirmed it is him. A great day now my boy is back and the Boyzens are together again.
How fascinating! It’s hard to imagine any other sheep being able to wander into your yard and not generate a buzz of interest. What do BeAnne and Loki think?
Two similarities (which might be common?): ‘Bert’s horns are rather flat and were “flakey” at the top when he was a youth, as are this dude’s. And they both have parallel light-dark lines in their right ears.
I know sheep in mainland UK have to be rigorously marked, numbered, tagged, and tracked. How do Shetland shepherds keep their sheep straight when they’re on the scattold — is it fenced into individual portions, or all wide open as in the Lake District?
While you have enough going on, hopefully have a thin raggedy friendly sheep to feed will be a bonus, not a burden. It would be lovely to be able to hug them all, and the Minions.
They should be tagged. Hill sheep generally lose their tags very quickly and are left with ripped ears, so what is the point.
I didn’t tag mine (shoot me now) but they weren’t meant to leave the croft. They are all castrated so at least they can never leave offspring.
Welcome home Bert! Clever Ster.
this is easily the best thing I have heard all day!
Welcome home! The boys are together again!
Maybe you can put a mark on him? Like paint one of his toenails with red polish? Do they even have toenails? ha ha!
I hope your back is better after the incident with Tiddles. =)
Well hooray for the boysenberries getting back together again! I vote to assume that it IS ‘Ster and welcome him home – as you so thoughtfully did…
And kudos to Lambert for talking ‘Ster into coming back home. After all, It took him 2 days and 2 nights.
Oh Bert; just look at you! Pathetic little fellow; do you realize now that you should have stayed? I hope you have learned your lesson and all wanderlust is gone. What a gift to you, Frances!
looks like it is him, and hope he stays at home now
What a smart Ster – finding the lost lamb and bringing him home. Welcome back, Bert, here’s hoping you know to stick with Frances and her motley crew for love, food, shelter and love.
What a great turn of events. I hope he stays home too. It looks like the hills didn’t treat him all that well. I don’t know how you have the courage to leave that gate open and risk having him (and ‘Ster too!) take off again.
The gate is shut now! I only leave it open so they can come home. Lambie likes to know home is there, waiting for him and Muzzah will be happy x