I Must Keep This

Every day, I see my huge piles of bagged wool in the stables and I think to myself “I must wash some and use it for my sheeple” and then I promptly forget and do nothing.

So today, with my instructions from a previous blog, I washed what I thought was ‘Ster’s fleece.  (Yesterday, I washed Ster’s fleece which turned out to be ‘Bert’s – but it came out very well).

There is very little difference in them.

I just do a large clump a day and I had it all ready.  Water very hot and lots of it.

I remembered to put a some cold water at the bottom, added the bonkers hot water and then 5 elephants of Fairy Liquid (count up to 5 elephants as you squeeze the bottle). Then swirl but don’t make bubbles to mix it all in.  Bubbles make life impossible.

Then completely immerse and soak for 20 minutes (I set a timer and went and hoovered the sitting room).

Then rinse, rinse, rinse in slightly cooler but still very hot water, not agitating just soaking.  This is my method of drying and, yes, yesterday we found Pepper bouncing around dragging the wool around the garden!

I told the dogs to leave it all alone.  Ted promised faithfully.

Pepper said she would try but she wasn’t making any promises as it was THE BEST FUN EVER!

So now ‘Ster’s wool is drying.

I hope I keep his gorgeous curls.

I will wash everyone’s fleece eventually.

I spent my afternoon combing.

Monster’s brush and a piece of suede.

It worked very well. I only combed a bit.

Enough to make this little chap.  ‘Bert’s wool is gorgeous to work with.  Much nicer than I thought. I don’t know why it has taken me so long to do this.

(note-to-self – keep the original wool washing instructions handy, like at the top of the blog!)

6 thoughts on “I Must Keep This

  1. Sam

    Pepper’s face whole promising to try and leave the fleece alone is priceless. Had a Maine Coon Cat who went bonkers over some fleece you sent years ago. “Better than catnip” he drooled.
    Thanks for the fleece washing tips.

  2. Mary Colleen McNamara

    Yes mam, yes mam three bags (+plus) full … washing and carding wool is a large undertaking.
    Sometime in your “spare time” could you take pics (individual) or only a couple to a frame, and name ID the sheeples. I only can ID; Bert, Ster, Lambie and Harry. The girls I am sorta at a loss.
    I finally have the minions down as to who is who 😉


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