I am Wrong!

I am wrong, and I don’t admit to that lightly. Apparently the original three Minions – Waffle, Silver and Storm – have only be with me for nine years.

It will be ten next year according to my dear friend, who felt the need to correct me (there is always one and she knows who she is, not that I hold a grudge but the usual “fusion soup” on Saturday will be interesting, that’s all I’m going to say!)

Anywho, nine years ago, the day after Up Helly Aa (the last Wednesday of the month), I went along to help the SSPCA move many Shetland ponies that needed to be rehomed and relocated urgently.

So, here we are nine years on and, doing the maths, next year it will be ten years. This gives me more time for planning.  I think we should have a cake, a party, maybe with hats and probably a lot of gin.  Perhaps my friend, who corrected me, could make the cake – chocolate, please!

🎂 🎉 🎁 🍾 🍸

Nine or ten, it feels longer and at least someone reads the blog!

8 thoughts on “I am Wrong!

  1. diane in northern wis

    Ha Frances! I think you know there are many of us out here who are reading your wonderful Blog! And 9 or 10 years, who cares….you did a wonderful thing and those wonderful critters are looking awesome because of you! Thank you for having such a good heart! …..(even if you can’t count!) 🙂

  2. Julia in California

    I think Storm would quite like a cake and a party! Especially a party with hats. He looks very dashing and handsome in a hat (no one wears a hat better than Storm, IMHO).


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