Hi-Viz Jackets

As Teddy gets more and more confident on his daily dog-walk, he is also getting bolder and making some rash choices – such as running off after rabbits at 100mph.  They both love a good rabbit chase but tend to forget everything, like coming back!

Little known fact – two brown terriers in a brown field are actually invisible and I am fed up at shouting into the distance looking for anything that might move that could possibly be my dog.

So I put their hi-viz jackets back on et voilà, two terriers are now very visible!

Pepper is wearing (please say in your best Atlanta accent) “an orange tankini with a crossover neckline and silver detailing”.

Teddy is wearing “a canary yellow long jacket with black belly band, leg straps with a crossover velcro neckline”.

(I may watch a lot of Say Yes to the Dress – Bridesmaids, Atlanta – one of my favourite programmes)

Anywho, I can finally see my dogs.

In the field, in the hill bit of my field, and I am not shouting to the wind and praying that a moving bit of brown grass is one of the dogs.

A problem solved.

7 thoughts on “Hi-Viz Jackets

  1. Kathy in AZ, USA

    Good job! I have a rechargeable neon green lighted collar for my dog. We walk a lot in the dark, he is brown, I need to see him.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Definitely a good idea! Mine wears a pink one at night when we walk round to the stables to put Alfie to bed. It’s so I can see her in the dark, rather than tripping over her!

  3. Elva

    I also had a flashing neon green collar for my very old Border Collie. After he passed away, I hadn’t used it, but now I have another aging Border Collie at 13 and a half, so maybe next year, she will get to wear it! Besides being highly visible, I believe it gives coyotes cause for pause, just in case my mighty Maremma dog, Bess, isn’t watching over us on our evening hikes.

  4. diane in northern wis

    I must say that Teddy looks a bit more lime green to me, from your pictures. But they both look smashing and besides which, you can see them! Good job, Frances!

  5. Mary Colleen McNamara

    Love all the posts ideas too. Too bad I can’t have stylist ” duds” for my ducks and geese, but then they do not wander so… I guess they will not know what they are missing.
    Have a good evening.

    Hope the sheeples are recovering.


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