Helping ‘Ster

When the other sheep decide they want to go into the “middle” field, ‘Ster just can’t work out how they get there (btw, they go under the fence).

So he comes and finds me in the hope that I will sort it out for him.

He always asks very politely and of course I don’t mind leaving whatever I am doing to help him.  It’s my job.

‘Ster knows the drill. He has to follow me.

And I have to take him through the garden (without OH knowing).  We have to leave no trace.

And ‘Ster knows The Rules (no eating or touching absolutely anything) and, surprisingly, he is very good about this, never lingering to eat a tree or flower.

I open the gate from the garden to the field and ‘Ster dutifully goes out, happy to be rejoining his flock.

So of course they all see me and come running.


However, if I am lucky, they usually stay in their field, not coming straight out to beg at the front door.

Anywho, this is the method of getting through the fence. Big enough for a sheep, but not a horse or pony.  I like it that the sheep have a way to “escape” if anyone is being mean and chasing.

It’s not pretty, but it’s effective, apart for ‘Ster who can come home but, for some reason, can never go the other way, ie, out.


Even Lambie can work it out.

And he really is not the brightest star in our firmament!

No, Lambie, you’re not ❤️.

11 thoughts on “Helping ‘Ster

  1. Sam

    I like how politely Ster asks for help to get to the field. He has a Winning Face. And that Winning Smile on Lambie is delightful to see.

  2. Suzanne Kelly

    That’s absolutely adorable. I can’t help wonder weather ‘ster just wants your extra attention and to get a little tour of your garden. Sadly no Lambi is not the brightest star in the firmament – although possibly the most adorable one- perhaps he could find a job in government somewhere.

  3. Mary Colleen McNamara

    Actually I know you are not supposed to have favorites, but I have always been partial to Bert.
    Ster a close second now that I know he is directionally challenged (sorta like me 😉

    Lambie is charming but a bit spoiled, me thinks. That is OK he had a rough start in life.

    1. Frances Post author

      Bert is a dude. A cool kind sweet dude. Ster is very clingy and jealous. He always wants the hugs. Lambie is totally spoilt. You’re right.

  4. Kris

    I wonder if at some point he got his horns caught in the wire going in one direction and developed a fear of repeating that move? Judging from the photos it appears that there might be more space to maneuver under the wire on the way back up rather than going downward. Once he realized you would come to his rescue, he knew he didn’t have to risk trying it again. 🙂

    1. Frances Post author

      I agree. I think he got a “gluff” and won’t do it anymore (though on the odd occasion he does, so go figure!) Anyway, he is happy to traipse through the garden after me and, so far, OH hasn’t noticed!


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