Healing Vibes, Please

Please can I have all your healing vibes for ‘Bert.

This morning I found he has pink-eye and he’s almost blind.

I feel so sorry for him and he is feeling very sorry for himself too.

Pink eye means solitary confinement as it is highly contagious (caught from the wee urchin, Gussie) and so now he is feeling very lonely.

The resident blackbird (the one with the white feather) is keeping ‘Bert company in the small stable where he will now live for the forseeable.

‘Bert is desperate to come out so I go and sit with him as often as I can.  He has had eye ointment (to soothe), an antibiotic injection, an oral dose of anti-inflammatory painkiller, and I washed around his eyes as well to get rid of the gritty stuff.  He was pretty good about all my ministrations.

Bert has every available food on offer that I can think of including two lick buckets, a forage block …..

…. haynet and salt-lick.

I have had to tie the gate just in case someone tries to break him out of his prison.

But I am pleased to report that the “happy tail” remains fully functional.

But when I went for my afternoon visit, I found not much food had been eaten, so I gave ‘Bert some of the ponies soaked sugarbeet, which he happily tucked into.

I am not convinced no one else won’t have Pink Eye – my money is on ‘Ster next and, to be honest, if he does that would not be a bad thing as he could keep ‘Bert company.  While I blame the street urchin, I do know it is just one of those things.

8 thoughts on “Healing Vibes, Please

  1. Rebecca A Final

    Poor Bert. I know how hard it is for a sheep to be left alone. They are such tight herd animals. But you have left him wanting for NOTHING except company so feel good about that. You are a good sheep Mom. Prayers for Bert’s quick recovery.

  2. Celeste Nossiter

    Sending extra love and caring to ‘Bert, he is such a sweet guy. Hope he heals up easily and no one else catches it.

  3. Beth

    Poor chap, could this permanently damage his sight or is it “just” affecting his sight whilst the infection is at its worst?


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