Grotty Dog Walk

The weather has been driech today. Totally meh and I was the one taking the dogs for their daily walk so they accompanied me to Leradale when I went over to feed the ponies.

There was barely any light and I could see the last of the hail that arrived last night. It woke me up as it was so noisy.


I walked up the hill and suddenly realised I was all by myself. My two dog companions had left me and were busy at the bottom of the hill, hunting.

You have to be fast to see Pepper. She vanishes usually taking Ted with her. She is a very bad influence.

I walked back down the hill to find both dogs playing in a ditch together like muddy little guttersnipes!

So not the best dog walk today. I cut it short. I am not walking miles by myself while the “kids” run away to play in the dirt!

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