Getting Through The Storm

There was a slight lull in Storm Éowyn this morning, so I managed to get up to the Icelandics’ field to give them their breakfast buckets.

I felt under their rugs, and they were completely dry and that made me feel much happier about leaving them outside to fend for themselves in this filthy weather.

I made sure they had a big bucket of food and later on OH went out with the dogs and gave the everyone a carrot each.

I have seen everyone grazing on the hill too so I am not going to worry.

While OH was out with the dogs, I enjoyed having the house to myself…… well, almost.  There was a loud miserable yowl and Monster appeared.

He then proceeded to annoy me and almost break the computer. I doubt it will be the same again.  Who knows what he’s done.

Monster was going nowhere, so I contented myself taking arty-farty photos of him instead.

8 thoughts on “Getting Through The Storm

  1. Margaret

    I’ve been thinking of all of you all from a world away (warm, dry Manhattan apt). You’ve inspired me to research these amazing ponies. It’s so strange to my city-heart why they prefer to be outside! But they are obviously happy as little clams. Thank you for the updates.

    1. Frances Post author

      I cannot tell you just how much I loved Manhattan when I visited so many years ago. It was like living on a film set. Best place.

    1. Frances Post author

      We cancelled as he’s not exactly ill. He just wants to eat less. He has us very well trained. And he does have senven meals a day, including snacks …….l.

      1. Julia

        Oh good, I’m glad to hear it!! I know what you mean, I have 3 and somehow they manage to get 6 meals a day out of us!

  2. Colleen

    Glad to hear you all are holding up with the storm and the ancient ones are doing what horses do. so good to know that Monster is OK? seems like he is back to his routine of being a pest, that is his job? We are still bogged down with the arctic blast. again multiple trips to make sure there is liquid water etc. You are familiar with the drill. But we are lucky to have plenty of firewood, heat, running water etc. The critters have plenty of food and places to shelter so all is good. Stay safe. Give the feathered and furred nose kissies and rubs , and scratches for us.

    1. Frances Post author

      I will and your treats, that you sent, are proving invaluable. Just been out with the Pasture Cookies for some. xx Stay safe too.

  3. darby callahan

    I have been following you for several years and it seems like the weather there is getting more extreme, as it is all over the planet. good to see Mr. Monster looking good.


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